British Police History

Bedfordshire Constabulary

1840 - 1966

The Post-war Cadet Scheme

For many years after the Second World War the British Police Service enjoyed the benefits of a national professional Cadet Corps. The aim was to ease recruitment problems with a steady stream of young men who had already been partly trained as Cadets, and it was a great success, although little is known about the scheme's earlier years except by those who served as Cadets.

The photograph on the left shows one such Bedfordshire cadet with an S on shoulder that denotes he is a Senior Cadet. Not every force made the distinction between Seniors (from age seventeen and-a-half) and more junior colleagues, at least in the earlier days.

I was delighted to obtain a booklet on Police Cadet recruitment and training produced by Bedfordshire Constabulary. It is not dated, but I suspect it is from around 1959 or 1960, and it shows how Bedfordshire, as a larger county force, were more formal about the Cadet system than my own experience.

The booklet explains the advantages of beginning a Police career as a Cadet, sets out the recruitment criteria, explains the training and lists some of the duties. It was clearly produced as a recruitment aid, but is now an important historical document.

Following are some extracts:

Character: Candidates must possess unblemished records and be vouched for by persons of high standing well qualified to speak for them as to uprightness of character, truthfulness, honesty, loyalty, diligence and other attributes required for a life of service to the community. Their families and associates must also be persons of good repute.


(i). Every Cadet is required to continue his general educational studies during his Cadetship.

(ii). The Cadet on entry is posted to a Division where he is under the control and direction of a Divisional Superintendent. He will perform his duties in the various departments of that division, including: Administration, CID, Photography, Information Room, Prosecutions, Road Traffic and Communications.

(iii). All Cadets attend County Police Headquarters for one day per week for instruction. Subjects include: Deportment, Discipline, Personal Appearance, Drill, Physical Training and Spelling.

Salary by Age (per annum)

  1. 16: £260
  2. 17: £290
  3. 18: £320

Uniform: This consists of greatcoat, raincoat, jacket, trousers, cap, gloves, shirts and ties. 

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