British Police History

Mounted Detachment

Above is a photograph from 1896 of the Mounted Detachment of the Eastbourne Borough Police Force. The following remarks regarding it are taken from the Sussex Daily News:

The Eastbourne Police Force has greatly increased in numerical strength and in efficiency under the command of its present Chief Constable, who, while a strict disciplinarian, seems to be very popular with his men. Mr Plumb's idea is evidently that a policeman should be capable in every respect, an idea doubtless acceptable to the Watch Committee, and there are probably few members now in the force who cannot ride a horse as well as a cycle, not to speak of other accomplishments.

Of fine physique, the men sat their horses well, and being booted and spurred, and furnished with all other accoutrements, presented a smart appearance.

The Detachment numbers nine, namely, the Chief Constable, Insprs Stirling and Whiteside, Sgts Ward and Tugwell, and PCs Pennington, Bell, Morgan, and Burch.

During the Battle of Flowers and Fete at Eastbourne last May, the Detachment, which assisted in preserving order, evoked the praise not only of the authorities, but of the general public.

  1. Police Review and Parade Gossip, 04 September 1896
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An Eastbourne Borough Police King's Crown Helmet Plate

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