British Police History

Uniform Tender, 1858

Persons desirous of contracting to supply the following articles for the Montgomeryshire Constabulary Force, are requested to send tenders for the same, free of expense, sealed up and addressed to the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Montgomeryshire, on or before Tuesday, February 25th.

  1. 15 Contables' Great Coats, to be made of stout dark Oxford mixture cloth, with numbers worked in the collars from 1 to 14
  2. 13 Constables' Coats, single breasted, with Prussian collars, to be made of stout (wool dyed) green cloth
  3. 28 Pairs of Constables' Trowsers, same cloth as the coats
  4. 1 Frock coat, same cloth as the above
  5. 1 Frock Coat and 2 pairs of Trowsers of a better description of cloth
  6. 15 Pairs of boots
  7. 15 Pairs of shoes
  8. 15 Hats
  9. 14 Badges for Constables' coats

Samples of the coth must be sent with the tenders

Shields are to be affixed on each side of the collars of the coats, and numbers upon each separately fastened on the collars at the side of the shields.

Shields and numbers will be supplied to the contractor

If any dispute shall arise, the decision of the Constabulary Committee shall be final and binding on all parties. All the articles tendered for to be the best of their respective kinds, and to be safely delivered at the office of the Chief Constable, at Newton, for the prices stated in the tenders.

Any further information may be had on application to the Chief Constable, and patterns of the above articles may be seen at his Office, Newton.

  1. Eddowes's Journal, and General Advertiser for Shropshire, and the Principality of Wales, 5 February 1845 *
  • * The British Newspaper Archive
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A Monmouthshire Constabulary Queen's Crown Helmet Plate

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