British Police History
Córas Iompair Éireann Police
Callender & Oban Railway Police
Calne Borough Police
Calton Burgh Police
Cambrian Railways Police
Campbeltown Burgh Police
Cardiff Railway Police
Cardigan Borough Police
Carmarthen Borough
Carnarvon Borough Police
Chatteris Special Constabulary
Cheltenham and Great Western Union Railway Police
Cheltenham Borough
Chippenham Borough Police
Chipping Norton Police
CIÉ Police
City of London Markets Police
Cleveland Air Operations Unit
Cleveland Police
Clyde Police
Clyde River Police
Colchester Borough Police
Cornwall Minerals Railway Police
Corps Military Police
Cosham Special Constabulary
County Police - East Lothian
Covent Garden Police
Cromarty Burgh Police
Cromarty County Police
Cullen Burgh Police
Cumbria Constabulary
Cupar Burgh Police